Paving the Way for California PAGA Reform: AB 2288 and SB 92

The legislation, which was negotiated among Gov. Newsom, legislators, and labor and business groups, provides employers with new and powerful tools for addressing and defending PAGA claims. As a result of this new law, the initiative to repeal and replace PAGA, which was scheduled to appear on the November ballot in California, has been withdrawn. We summarize the key provisions of the reform legislation.

For the full alert, visit the Faegre Drinker website.

DOL Issues Final Rule Updating Davis-Bacon and Related Acts

For the first time in almost 40 years, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced the issuance of regulations designed to update and modernize the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA), which require the payment of locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits on federal contracts for construction. The aptly-named final rule, Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations (the Rule) will go into effect 60 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

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California Supreme Court: PAGA Plaintiffs Can Pursue Representative State Court Claims Even if Their Individual PAGA Claims Are Compelled to Arbitration

The California Supreme Court recently held that Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) plaintiffs do have standing to pursue their representative PAGA claims in state court even if their individual PAGA claims are compelled to arbitration.

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Greater Wage and Overtime Protections for Pennsylvania Employees Effective August 5

In wake of recent legislation aimed at increasing employee rights and safeguards, the Pennsylvania legislature has promulgated new wage and hour regulations restricting employers and providing greater protections for employees. The new wage and hour regulations are effective on August 5, 2022. The new regulations impact two categories of employees: (1) tipped employees; and (2) salaried employees with a fluctuating workweek schedule.

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Update: Michigan Court Stays Decision to Reinstitute Higher Minimum Wage and More Generous Paid Sick Time Laws

Recently, we issued an alert explaining that, on July 19, 2022, the Michigan Court of Claims ruled that the “adopt-and-amend” strategy the Michigan Legislature used in 2019 to enact more business-friendly minimum wage and paid sick time laws was unconstitutional. The court also reinstituted the prior versions of these laws which meant Michigan employers were immediately subject to the more generous Earned Sick Time Act and the higher $12 per hour minimum wage for most employees.

However, on July 29, 2022, the same court issued a stay of its ruling through February 19, 2023 to allow employers and the relevant state agencies time to comply with and enforce the original, reinstituted laws. Accordingly, as of the writing of this alert, employers have until February 19, 2023 to comply with the Earned Sick Time Act (which requires more paid sick time than the now-stricken Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act) and provide at least a $12 per hour minimum wage for non-tipped employees, unless an appellate court or the Michigan Legislature acts before February 19.

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IDOL’s Proposed Rules for the Illinois Equal Pay Registration Certificate Provide Additional Insight for Covered Employers

In June 2021, the Illinois Equal Pay Act (IEPA) was amended to add a requirement for certain Illinois businesses to obtain an equal pay registration certificate (EPRC). The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) issued its long awaited proposed rules regarding the EPRC requirements on May 20, 2022. The proposed rules are subject to a 45-day comment period, which has now passed, followed by an internal review, and a public hearing on August 9, which may result in additional changes before they become final.

However, some Illinois employers have already received notice of a deadline to file their Application for Certification before the rules are finalized. Therefore, a careful review of the proposed rules is helpful as we anticipate issuance of the final rules. While the proposed rules largely mirror statutory requirements (the basics which were laid out in prior posts here and here), IDOL has clarified or provided additional information on a number of topics.

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