The California Civil Rights Department (CRD) released amended FAQs providing guidance on compliance with the new pay data reporting requirements. PDR FAQs – 2022 Reporting Year | CRD ( As previously reported here and here, Senate Bill 1162 amended Labor Code section 432.3 and Government Code section 12999 as part of California’s ongoing efforts to promote workplace pay transparency as a means to combat pay discrimination. Companies need to act now to be prepared to comply with the obligation to not only report data for their W-2 employees, but also the new obligation to compile and report data for workers supplied by staffing agencies and other third parties that are either working at, or assigned to, any California locations. This blog discusses the CRD guidance regarding this significant new development, together with takeaways for compliance.
What is the New Deadline to Submit Pay Data Reports under Senate Bill 1162?
The reporting deadline has been pushed back from March 31 to May 10, 2023. The FAQs have a link to the online portal and templates that employers can use to create their reports. Additional resources will continue to come online for employers.